Our Vision

Our vision at BEAU BAKERY, is an equal-opportunity society where everyone from any background, gender, race and creed can succeed and reach their full potential as a creative and unique individual.
— Talita Setyadi, Founder & CEO


We believe in the impact of doing even the little things well with a lot of heart. We understand that excellence is a way of being, not a destination. As they say, “the magic is in the details.”


We are accountable and responsible for ourselves. We do not cast blame, but instead look for ways on how we can improve and contribute more effectively to the team.


We believe that through co-elevation of one another’s skillsets, we can create symbiotic and effective work relationships. We are fully invested in helping one another succeed.


Growing Talent

An inadequately educated workforce is amongst the most problematic factors in doing business in Indonesia. Ranked 7th in the world for market size with a population of 264.2 million, Indonesia ranks 96th over 141 countries in the health and basic education and 65th for higher education and training.

The local F&B market is growing at an unprecedented rate,  but there are not enough culinary talents to support them. We believe that the craft of artisan baking should be shared and passed down, to be able to birth new talents to the industry for the betterment of Indonesia’s education and economy.


National Competitions

Centred in our mission of “Growing Talent”, BEAU BAKERY provides sponsorship and training for our staff to be able to complete nationally and internationally in culinary competitions. In 2019, we sent five of our young chefs to compete at Jakarta’s SIAL InterFOOD, attaining multiple medals. We believe competitions play a large role in increasing confidence, perspective and performance of our team members. Congratulations Chefs!


Community Training and Engagement

We provide training and skill-sharing for culinary teachers to be able to gain practical experience in a commercial kitchen. Pictured here with high school teachers from SMKN1, SMK Assaidiyah dan PGRI Kudus Semarang, we are extremely honoured and proud to have been able to support them in equipping our next generation of chefs with the skills to succeed. Thank you to all of our kitchen team and especially Chef de Cuisine Putri Mumpuni for accommodating the learning process.

Taste, Texture, and Form